What do you think of when you hear the word " Chaos magic ?"
- "A state of things in which chance is supreme "
- "An unorganized state of primordial matter before the
- creation "
- "A confused state or mass "
- "Chaos was the primal source, first of all"
- "This isn't 't anarchy, this is Chaos "
- "In the beginning, there was only Chaos "
- "Agents of Chaos cast burning glances at anything or
- anyone capable of bearing witness to their condition... "
- "One must have chaos in one to give birth to a dancing
- star"
- "Matter is an illusion, solidity is an illusion, we are an illusion. Only
- Chaos is real"
- "In the limitless heavens, shines the countenance of Chaos"
Chaos magic is all this and more. A term that means something different for everyone, none of us can ignore the chaos.
Over the last twenty years or so, Chaos magic has become the buzzword of a
revolution in thought and method, spawning a new form of science, new technologies; a whole new emerging world-view.
While Chaos Theory has been generating debate within the scientific community, Chaos Magic has been creating controversy within occult circles.
It has been labeled variously as "English Thelema", "the blackest form of dark power" and "git 'ard magic".
At the core of this revolution is the recognition that the scientific world-view which has set the limitations of acknowledged human experience is crumbling, that new visions and models are required, as are new ways of being, and more importantly, new ways of doing.
"Chaos Magic" is a new approach to "doing" magic.
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